
Privolzhsk (Volga) RailwayTChE-4 Imeni Maksima Gor'kogo
 October RailwayTChE-31 Velikie Luki

Railway District/Company:Privolzhsk (Volga) Railway
Depot:TChE-4 Imeni Maksima Gor'kogo
Builder:Voroshilovgrad Octoberrevolution Locomotive works  
Written off:2012
Category:Main Diesel Locomotives
Current condition: Written off 
__.2010 – передан из депо Великие Луки Октябрьской ж. д. в депо имени Максима Горького Приволжской ж. д.

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Written off
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Россия, Волгоградская область, депо Сарепта
Russia, Volgograd region, Sarepta depot

Sunday, December 26, 2010
Author: Tsyganenko82

Railway District/Company:Privolzhsk (Volga) Railway
Depot:TChE-4 Imeni Maksima Gor'kogo
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
November 2009
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Railway District/Company:October Railway
Depot:TChE-31 Velikie Luki
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Lists of rolling stock:

—  Privolzhsk (Volga) Railway → TChE-4 Imeni Maksima Gor'kogo → 2TE116
—  October Railway → TChE-31 Velikie Luki → 2TE116
—  Privolzhsk (Volga) Railway → TChE-4 Imeni Maksima Gor'kogo
—  October Railway → TChE-31 Velikie Luki
—  Privolzhsk (Volga) Railway → 2TE116
—  October Railway → 2TE116
—  2TE116