2429 689
Railway District/Company: | MÁV-START |
Depot: | Pécs |
Model: | Bzx |
Builder: | Vagónka Studénka Studénka |
Identification number: | 50 55 24-29 689-2 H-START |
Category: | Motorcars |
Current condition: | In operation |
№: | 2429 689 |
Railway District/Company: | MÁV-START |
Depot: | Pécs |
Model: | Bzx |
Builder: | Vagónka Studénka Studénka |
Identification number: | 50 55 24-29 689-2 H-START |
Category: | Motorcars |
Renamed late 2010s | ↑Renamed |
№: | 2428 689 |
Railway District/Company: | MÁV-START |
Depot: | Pécs |
Model: | Bzx |
Builder: | Vagónka Studénka Studénka |
Identification number: | 50 55 24-28 689-3 H-START |
Category: | Motorcars |
| Show full dataShow only changes |
№: | 2428 689 |
Railway District/Company: | MÁV-START |
Depot: | Pécs |
Model: | Bzx |
Builder: | Vagónka Studénka Studénka |
Identification number: | 50 55 24-28 689-3 H-START |
Category: | Motorcars |
Transferred to another depot June 2009 | ↑Transferred to another depot |
№: | 2428 689 |
Railway District/Company: | MÁV-START |
Depot: | Vésztő |
Model: | Bzx |
Builder: | Vagónka Studénka Studénka |
Identification number: | 50 55 24-28 689-3 H-START |
Category: | Motorcars |
| Show full dataShow only changes |
№: | 2428 689 |
Railway District/Company: | MÁV-START |
Depot: | Vésztő |
Model: | Bzx |
Builder: | Vagónka Studénka Studénka |
Identification number: | 50 55 24-28 689-3 H-START |
Category: | Motorcars |
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant) January 2008 | ↑Passed to an other railway (or to a plant) |
№: | 2428 689 |
Railway District/Company: | Magyar Államvasutak |
Depot: | Vésztő |
Model: | Bzx |
Builder: | Vagónka Studénka Studénka |
Identification number: | 50 55 24-28 689-3 MÁV |
Category: | Motorcars |
| Show full dataShow only changes |
Lists of rolling stock:
— MÁV-START → Pécs → Bzx
— MÁV-START → Vésztő → Bzx
— Magyar Államvasutak → Vésztő → Bzx
— MÁV-START → Pécs
— MÁV-START → Vésztő
— Magyar Államvasutak → Vésztő
— Magyar Államvasutak → Bzx
— Bzx