
Railway District/Company:Crimea railway
Depot:Balaklava Mine Administration named after A. M. Gorky
Category:Engine Locomotives
Current condition: Written off 
С завода поступил в собственность "Балаклавское Рудоуправление"

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СССР, Украинская ССР, Севастополь, станция Кадыковка
USSR, Ukrainian SSR, Sevastopol, Kadykovka station
СРСР, Українська РСР, Севастополь, станція Кадиківка

Автор: Т.Б. Бакман.

early 1970s
Received from _Listrigon_

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Lists of rolling stock:

—  Crimea railway → Balaklava Mine Administration named after A. M. Gorky → E
—  Crimea railway → Balaklava Mine Administration named after A. M. Gorky
—  Crimea railway → E
—  E