E 479.001

Railway District/Company:Moscow Railway
Depot:Orherelye-Sortirovochnoe operational depot (TChE-33)
Model:S 479.0 (E 479.0)
Builder:Závody V.I.Lenina Plzeň, národní podnik   Plzeň
Category:Main Electric Locomotives
Current condition: Current location and condition are unknown 
07.1962 — принят на Московскую ж.д. в депо Ожерелье на испытания
07.1963 — возвращен в ЧССР

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 ЧС2-203 , Moscow Railway

Чехословакия, Западночешский край, Пльзеньский завод им. В. И. Ленина
Czechoslovakia, West Bohemian region, Pilsen works named after. V. I. Lenin

Фото завода "Шкода"

Received from Дмитрий Закутный

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Lists of rolling stock:

—  Moscow Railway → Orherelye-Sortirovochnoe operational depot (TChE-33) → S 479.0 (E 479.0)
—  Moscow Railway → Orherelye-Sortirovochnoe operational depot (TChE-33)
—  Moscow Railway → S 479.0 (E 479.0)
—  S 479.0 (E 479.0)