
≈ 2005
Northern RailwayPenitentiary Service AN-243 (Vet'yu) 
 Ust-Vymsky forestry plantМежогский л/п

Railway District/Company:Northern Railway
Depot:Penitentiary Service AN-243 (Vet'yu)
Builder:Kambarka Machine-building factory   Kambarka
Category:Shunting Diesel Locomotives
Current condition: Out of order 
С постройки отправлен в Усть-Вымский леспромхоз
В 2005(?) г. отправлен в учреждение АН-243/10 (Ветью) для работы на разборке УЖД, после остановки разборки брошен на бывшем нижнем складе

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Россия, Коми, посёлок Ветью
Russia, Komi, Vetyu settlement

Tuesday, June 7, 2022
Author: Машинист пивного крана

Depot:Penitentiary Service AN-243 (Vet'yu)
Transferred to another depot
2005 (approximately)
Transferred to another depot
Depot:Ust-Vymsky forestry plant
Note:Межогский л/п
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Lists of rolling stock:

—  Northern Railway → Penitentiary Service AN-243 (Vet'yu) → TU6A
—  Northern Railway → Ust-Vymsky forestry plant → TU6A
—  Northern Railway → Penitentiary Service AN-243 (Vet'yu)
—  Northern Railway → Ust-Vymsky forestry plant
—  Northern Railway → TU6A
—  TU6A