МД54-4 № 4

Railway District/Company:October Railway
Depot:Private depots at the enterprises
Model:MD54-4 (KEZ)
Builder:Kalininsky exkavator works   Kalinin
Category:Shunting Diesel Locomotives
Current condition: Current location and condition are unknown 
Note:Гимольский ЛПХ

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СССР, РСФСР, Карельская АССР, Гимольский леспромхоз
USSR, Russian SFSR, Karelian ASSR, Gimolskiy timber industry enterprise

Author: Павел Чилин (колл.)

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Entries with the same name:

Model Depot Built Written off
МД54-4 № 4 MD54-4 (KEZ) Rantcevo 1961 1972

Lists of rolling stock:

—  October Railway → Private depots at the enterprises → MD54-4 (KEZ)
—  October Railway → Private depots at the enterprises
—  October Railway → MD54-4 (KEZ)
—  MD54-4 (KEZ)