
Railway District/Company:North Caucasus Railway
Depot:TChE-27 Derbent
Model:VL60 (N6O)
Builder:Novocherkassk Electric Locomotive Plant   Novocherkassk
Category:Main Electric Locomotives
Current condition: Written off 

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СССР, РСФСР, Дагестанская АССР, станция Дербент
USSR, Russian SFSR, Dagestan ASSR, Derbent station

Архив музея станции Дербент

1991 or earlier
Received from Dag05

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Lists of rolling stock:

—  North Caucasus Railway → TChE-27 Derbent → VL60 (N6O)
—  North Caucasus Railway → TChE-27 Derbent
—  North Caucasus Railway → VL60 (N6O)
—  VL60 (N6O)