
Railway District/Company:Belarusian Railway
Depot:JSC Zhitkovichi Peat Briquetting Plant
Builder:Kambarka Machine-building factory   Kambarka
Category:Shunting Diesel Locomotives
Current condition: In operation 
С постройки отправлен в адрес торфопредприятия Червоное (п. Житковичи, Беларусь).
07.2008 г. — КР Борисовский РЗ, переименован в ТУ8МБ-0085.

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696 KB

Беларусь, Гомельская область, УЖД Житковичского ТБЗ
Belarus, Homiel region, narrow gauge railway of the Zhytkavichy peat briquetting plant
Беларусь, Гомельская вобласць, ВЧ Жыткавіцкага ТБЗ

Thursday, October 22, 2020
Author: Евгений Пашковский

849 KB

Беларусь, Гомельская область, УЖД Житковичского ТБЗ
Belarus, Homiel region, narrow gauge railway of the Zhytkavichy peat briquetting plant
Беларусь, Гомельская вобласць, ВЧ Жыткавіцкага ТБЗ

Thursday, October 22, 2020
Author: Oleg-BY

878 KB

Беларусь, Гомельская область, УЖД Житковичского ТБЗ
Belarus, Homiel region, narrow gauge railway of the Zhytkavichy peat briquetting plant
Беларусь, Гомельская вобласць, ВЧ Жыткавіцкага ТБЗ

Monday, March 30, 2020
Author: Evgeny2510

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Lists of rolling stock:

—  Belarusian Railway → JSC Zhitkovichi Peat Briquetting Plant → TU8
—  Belarusian Railway → JSC Zhitkovichi Peat Briquetting Plant
—  Belarusian Railway → TU8
—  TU8