
Railway District/Company:Northern Railway
Depot:Ponazyrevo forest railway
Builder:Votkinsk mashinery plant   Votkinsk
Written off:06.1964
Category:Engine Locomotives
Current condition: Written off 
Note:Поназыревский л/п
С постройки поступил в цех № 61, Завода №88 (Поназырево)

12 октября 1961 г. столкновение с мотовозом Бурундучихинского МЛП

КР Алатырский ПРЗ 1959 г.

June 1964   
Written off

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Lists of rolling stock:

—  Northern Railway → Ponazyrevo forest railway → VP
—  Northern Railway → Ponazyrevo forest railway
—  Northern Railway → VP
—  VP