481 005-7

481 005-7
SBB CargoНеотсортированное
486 655-4 OtherMittelthurgaubahn (MThB)

Railway District/Company:SBB Cargo
Model:TRAXX F140 AC
Builder:Bombardier Transportation   Montreal
Serial type:Re 481
Works number:33392
Category:Main Electric Locomotives
Current condition: Passed to an other railway (or to a plant) 
28.07.2000 — delivered to MThB — Mittelthurgaubahn AG, Weinfelden [CH] "486 655-4"
19.09.2002 — sold to SBB Cargo AG, Basel [CH] "481 005-7"
01.07.2005 — sold to MRCE — Mitsui Rail Capital Europe B.V., Amsterdam [NL] "481 005-7"
__.__.2005 — hired to HGK — Häfen and Güterverkehr Köln AG, Köln [D] "481 005-7" [until __.__.2008]
24.01.2008 — => MRCE Dispolok GmbH, München [D] "481 005-7"
__.04.2008 — hired to NE — Neuss-Düsseldorfer Häfen GmbH & Co. KG — Neusser Eisenbahn, Neuss [D] "145 087-3" [until __.__.201x]
__.__.2011 — Umzeichnung "145 087-3" [NVR-Number: 91 80 6145 087-3 D-DISPO]
01.08.2014 — sold to SRI Rail Invest GmbH, Ellwangen (Jagst) [D] "145 087-3" [NVR-Number: 91 80 6145 087-3 D-SRI]
02.08.2014 — hired to METRANS Rail s.r.o., Praha [CZ] "145 087-3" [until __.01.2015]
16.03.2015 — hired to METRANS a.s., Praha [CZ] "145 087-3" [until 30.12.2015]
01.01.2016 — hired to Hector Rail AB, Danderyd [S] "145 087-3" [until 22.08.2016]
12.10.2016 — hired to RheinCargo GmbH & Co. KG, Neuss [D] "145 087-3" [until 22.10.2016]
24.10.2016 — hired to LTE Logistik- and Transport- GmbH, Graz [A] "145 087-3" [until __.__.201x]
24.10.2016 — operated by LTE Netherlands B.V., Rotterdam [NL] "145 087-3" [until __.__.201x]
__.05.2019 — hired to TRI Train Rental International GbR, Eckental-Eschenau [D] "145 087-3" [until __.__.20xx]
__.__.2021 — hired to Nordliner Gesellschaft für Eisenbahnverkehr mbH, Hannover [D] "145 087-3" [until __.__.2021]
01.08.2021 — hired to Lok-Partner GmbH & Co. KG, Witten [D] "145 087-3" [SWEG Ersatzverkehr Freiburg-Waldkirch]

№:481 005-7
Railway District/Company:SBB Cargo
Serial type:Re 481
September 2002
№:486 655-4
Railway District/Company:Other
Depot:Mittelthurgaubahn (MThB)
Serial type:Re 486
Show full data

July 28, 2000   
Arrived from manufacturer (on facility)

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Entries with the same name:

Model Depot Built
481 005-7 TRAXX F140 AC Basel 2000

Lists of rolling stock:

—  SBB Cargo → Неотсортированное → TRAXX F140 AC
—  Other → Mittelthurgaubahn (MThB) → TRAXX F140 AC
—  SBB Cargo → Неотсортированное
—  Other → Mittelthurgaubahn (MThB)
—  SBB Cargo → TRAXX F140 AC
—  Other → TRAXX F140 AC
—  TRAXX F140 AC