Railway District/Company:National Company of the French Railways
Depot:STF TGV Atlantique (SGA)
Model:TGV Atlantique
Builder:Alstom Transport   Belfort
Works number:24113/114
Written off:23.02.2018
Category:Electric Suburban
Current condition: Written off 
Manufacturers / Производитель : Alsthom

Units / моторный блок : 24113/114

10.07.1990 — received / передан at/в SNCF Société nationale des chemins de fer français
28.10.2016 — withdraw from use unit 24114/ Снят с эксплуатации моторный блок 24114
23.02.2018 — withdraw from use unit 24113/ Снят с эксплуатации моторный блок 24113

February 23, 2018   
Written off
July 10, 1990   
Arrived from manufacturer (on facility)

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Lists of rolling stock:

—  National Company of the French Railways → STF TGV Atlantique (SGA) → TGV Atlantique
—  National Company of the French Railways → STF TGV Atlantique (SGA)
—  National Company of the French Railways → TGV Atlantique
—  TGV Atlantique