National Company of the French RailwaysBordeaux
4817 France, other companiesCompagnie des Chemins de fer du Midi

Railway District/Company:National Company of the French Railways
Model:2D2 5000 (E 4800)
Builder:Alstom Transport   Belfort
Serial type:2D2 5000
Written off:19.12.1968
Category:Main Electric Locomotives
Current condition: Written off 
Manufacturers / Производитель : Alsthom

30.03.1936 — received / передан at/в MIDI Compagnie du Midi as/в 2D2 5017
01.01.1938 — take-over by / поглощение SNCF Société nationale des chemins de fer français as/в E 4817
19.12.1968 — withdrawn from use / cнят с эксплуатации

December 19, 1968   
Written off
Railway District/Company:National Company of the French Railways
Serial type:2D2 5000
January 1938
Railway District/Company:France, other companies
Depot:Compagnie des Chemins de fer du Midi
Serial type:E 4800
Show full data

March 30, 1936   
Arrived from manufacturer (on facility)

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Lists of rolling stock:

—  National Company of the French Railways → Bordeaux → 2D2 5000 (E 4800)
—  France, other companies → Compagnie des Chemins de fer du Midi → 2D2 5000 (E 4800)
—  National Company of the French Railways → Bordeaux
—  France, other companies → Compagnie des Chemins de fer du Midi
—  National Company of the French Railways → 2D2 5000 (E 4800)
—  France, other companies → 2D2 5000 (E 4800)
—  2D2 5000 (E 4800)