Railway District/Company:SBB Swiss Federal Railways
Model:Ae 3/5
Builder:Swiss Locomotive and Machine Works   Winterthur
Works number:2950/600005
Written off:31.01.1983
Category:Main Electric Locomotives
Current condition: Written off 
Manufacturers / Производитель :
• mechanical part / механическая часть : SLM (n°2950)
• electrical part / электрическая часть : SAAS (n°600005)

26.09.1924 — received / передан at/в SBB Schweizerische Bundesbahnen
15.04.1965 — use in car commuter trains / использование в вагонах пригородных поездов
31.01.1983 — withdrawn from use / Снят с эксплуатации

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January 31, 1983   
Written off
649 KB

18451, SBB Swiss Federal Railways


Schweizerische Lokomotiv- und Maschinenfabrik — SBB Historic Archive

1950 (approximately)
Received from ФД20-2109

September 26, 1924   
Arrived from manufacturer (on facility)

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Lists of rolling stock:

—  SBB Swiss Federal Railways → Other → Ae 3/5
—  SBB Swiss Federal Railways → Other
—  SBB Swiss Federal Railways → Ae 3/5
—  Ae 3/5