Railway District/Company:Rhätische Bahn (RhB)
Model:G 2/3+2/2
Builder:Swiss Locomotive and Machine Works   Winterthur
Works number:1487
Written off:ca. 1958
Category:Engine Locomotives
Current condition: Passed to an other railway (or to a plant) 
Manufacturers / Производитель : SLM

15.01.1903 — received / передан at/в RhB Rhätischen Bahn
__.__.1921 — sold to Madagascar
≈ .__.1958 — withdraw from use

1958 (approximately)   
Written off
January 15, 1903   
Arrived from manufacturer (on facility)

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Entries with the same name:

Model Depot Built Written off
32 ABe 4/4 PORE 1908 12.2009

Lists of rolling stock:

—  Rhätische Bahn (RhB) → Others
—  Rhätische Bahn (RhB) → G 2/3+2/2
—  G 2/3+2/2