Railway District/Company:National Company of the French Railways
Depot:Le Landy
Model:TGV Sud-Est
Builder:Alstom Transport   Belfort
Works number:23005/006
Written off:08.01.2020
Category:Electric Suburban
Current condition: Written off 
Manufacturers / Производитель : Alsthom-Francorail

Name / Имя : "Belfort" (21.01.1982)

Units / моторный блок : 23005/006

25.04.1980 — received / передан SNCF Société nationale des chemins de fer français
08.01.2020 — withdraw from use

January 8, 2020   
Written off
April 25, 1980   
Arrived from manufacturer (on facility)

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Entries with the same name:

Model Depot Built Written off
3 BB 1-80 (E-BB 1-80) Chambéry 1924 09.12.1976
3 A1AA1A 62000 (040 DA) La Plaine 1946 30.12.1988

Lists of rolling stock:

—  National Company of the French Railways → Le Landy → TGV Sud-Est
—  National Company of the French Railways → Le Landy
—  National Company of the French Railways → TGV Sud-Est
—  TGV Sud-Est