Željeznički prijevoznik:Montreux Oberland bernois (MOB)
Serija vozila:BDe 4/4
Godina proizvodnje:1946
Vrsta vozila:Electric Suburban
Trenutno stanje: U službi 
Manufacturers / Производитель : SIG / BBC / MOB

10.06.1946 — received / передан MOB Montreux Oberland bernois as CFe 4/4 3005
__.__.1956 — renaming to BFe 4/4 3005
__.__.1962 — renaming to BDe 4/4 3005

10 lipnja 1946   
Datum isporuke

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Popisi željezničkih vozila:

—  Montreux Oberland bernois (MOB) → Others
—  Montreux Oberland bernois (MOB) → BDe 4/4
—  BDe 4/4