
Railway District/Company:Odeska Railway
Depot:TCH-6 Hristinovka
Builder:ČKD   Praha
Serial type:II serie
Works number:4816
Category:Shunting Diesel Locomotives
Current condition: Written off 

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Украина, Черкасская область, перегон Россошки — Умань
Ukraine, Cherkasy region, Rossoshki — Uman stretch
Україна, Черкаська область, перегін Росошки — Умань

Автор — D. Hanschke

Tuesday, June 8, 1999
Received from Bahnbilder von W. and H. Brutzer

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Lists of rolling stock:

—  Odeska Railway → TCH-6 Hristinovka → CHME2
—  Odeska Railway → TCH-6 Hristinovka
—  Odeska Railway → CHME2
—  CHME2