Railway District/Company:Montreux Oberland bernois (MOB)
Model:BDe 4/4
Category:Electric Suburban
Current condition: In operation 
Note:"Château d'Oex"
Manufacturers / Производитель : SIG / BBC / MOB

Name / Имя : "Château d'Oex"

11.05.1944 — received / передан MOB Montreux Oberland bernois as CFe 4/4 3002
__.__.1956 — renaming to BFe 4/4 3002
__.__.1962 — renaming to BDe 4/4 3002
29.06.1974 — transformation into a shuttle train with ABt 3302, with the removal of one driver's cabin
__.__.2010 — revision, installation of ABt 3302 driver's cab 2 equipment

Revision / Рeвизия :
29.06.1974 — Revsion/peвизия (R4)
23.01.1985 — Revsion/peвизия (R3)

May 11, 1944   
Arrived from manufacturer (on facility)

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Lists of rolling stock:

—  Montreux Oberland bernois (MOB) → Others
—  Montreux Oberland bernois (MOB) → BDe 4/4
—  BDe 4/4