
North Caucasus RailwayPrivate depots at the enterprisesг. Славянск-на-Кубани
 Moscow RailwayLocomotives of industrial transportЗАО "Химтекстильмаш", г. Орёл

Railway District/Company:North Caucasus Railway
Depot:Private depots at the enterprises
Builder:Murom steam engine plant   Murom
Identification number:15701626
Category:Shunting Diesel Locomotives
Current condition: Out of order 
Note:г. Славянск-на-Кубани

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Railway District/Company:North Caucasus Railway
Depot:Private depots at the enterprises
Note:г. Славянск-на-Кубани
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Railway District/Company:Moscow Railway
Depot:Locomotives of industrial transport
Note:ЗАО "Химтекстильмаш", г. Орёл
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734 KB

Россия, Орловская область, подъездной путь от станции Саханская
Russia, Oryol region, branch line from the Sakhanskaya station

Подъездной путь завода "Химмаш"

Monday, April 21, 2014
Author: Sherman

577 KB

Россия, Орловская область, подъездной путь от станции Саханская
Russia, Oryol region, branch line from the Sakhanskaya station

Завод "Химмаш"

Thursday, May 19, 2011
Author: Sherman

642 KB

Россия, Орловская область, подъездной путь от станции Саханская
Russia, Oryol region, branch line from the Sakhanskaya station

Завод "Химмаш"

Thursday, May 19, 2011
Author: Sherman

Comments · 1

15.05.2023 13:43 MSK
SHOMAS4416 · Пелла
Photos: 2671
+1 / –0

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Lists of rolling stock:

—  North Caucasus Railway → Private depots at the enterprises → TGM23
—  Moscow Railway → Locomotives of industrial transport → TGM23
—  North Caucasus Railway → Private depots at the enterprises
—  Moscow Railway → Locomotives of industrial transport
—  North Caucasus Railway → TGM23
—  Moscow Railway → TGM23
—  TGM23