32 098

Railway District/Company:Bulgarian State Railways
Model:ER25 (32 BDZ)
Builder:Rīgas Vagonbūves Rūpnīca  
Serial type:62-209
Category:Electric Suburban
Current condition: Written off 

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691 KB

 32 097 , Bulgarian State Railways

Болгария, София, станция София
Bulgaria, Sofia region, Sofia station
България, София, гара София

Автор — M. Hainzl

Monday, April 19, 2004
Received from Bahnbilder von W. and H. Brutzer

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Lists of rolling stock:

—  Bulgarian State Railways → Other → ER25 (32 BDZ)
—  Bulgarian State Railways → Other
—  Bulgarian State Railways → ER25 (32 BDZ)
—  ER25 (32 BDZ)