
Railway District/Company:Finland railway
Model:Sk3 (G3, G5, G10, G11)
Builder:BMAG (Schwartzkopff)   Berlin
Serial type:G10
Works number:2942
Written off:04.1921
Category:Engine Locomotives
Current condition: Passed to an other railway (or to a plant) 
1918 — после закрытия границ был брошен, 04.1921 – изъят. Выкуплен VR обратно 19.12.1924 г.

April 1921   
Written off

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Lists of rolling stock:

—  Finland railway → Other → Sk3 (G3, G5, G10, G11)
—  Finland railway → Other
—  Finland railway → Sk3 (G3, G5, G10, G11)
—  Sk3 (G3, G5, G10, G11)