
Railway District/Company:Polish State Railways (PKP)
Model:SM31 (Ls1200)
Builder:Fabryka Maszyn Budowlanych i Lokomotyw BUMAR-FABLOK   Chrzanów
Serial type:Ls1200
Works number:10325
Written off:31.07.1999
Category:Shunting Diesel Locomotives
Current condition: Written off 
1983-06-03 MD Tarnów PKP
1997-07-01 MT Tarnów PKP
1999-04-01 MZ Tarnów PKP

July 31, 1999   
Written off
June 3, 1983   
Arrived from manufacturer (on facility)

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Lists of rolling stock:

—  Polish State Railways (PKP) → Tarnów → SM31 (Ls1200)
—  Polish State Railways (PKP) → Tarnów
—  Polish State Railways (PKP) → SM31 (Ls1200)
—  SM31 (Ls1200)