Railway District/Company:Jungfraubahnen (JBH)
Model:He 2/2
Category:Main Electric Locomotives
Current condition: In operation 
Manufacturers / Производитель : Stadler / ABB / SLM

05.12.1995 — received / передан WAB Wengernalpbahn as He 2/2 32

Revision / Рeвизия :
03.11.2006 — Revsion/peвизия (Rev)
__.__.2011 — Revsion/peвизия (Rev) — Radio remote control replaced.

December 22, 1995   
Arrived from manufacturer (on facility)

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Entries with the same name:

Model Depot Built Written off
32 H 2/3 WAB 1906 1916

Lists of rolling stock:

—  Jungfraubahnen (JBH) → Others → He 2/2
—  Jungfraubahnen (JBH) → Others
—  Jungfraubahnen (JBH) → He 2/2
—  He 2/2