
Okręg kolejowy/Spółka:South-Eastern Railway
Lokomotywownia:Private depots at the enterprises
Seria:TGK2, TGK2-1
Producent:Kaluga mashinery plant   Kaluga
Kategoria:Lokomotywy manewrowe
Aktualny stan taboru: Odstawiony 
Przypis:Чернянский завод растительных масел
Выставлен на продажу https://www.avito.ru/belgorod/gruzoviki_...0388248

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Lista taboru kolejowego:

—  South-Eastern Railway → Private depots at the enterprises → TGK2, TGK2-1
—  South-Eastern Railway → Private depots at the enterprises
—  South-Eastern Railway → TGK2, TGK2-1
—  TGK2, TGK2-1