193 301

Railway District/Company:DB Cargo
Model:Siemens Vectron MS
Builder:Siemens   Krefeld
Serial type:Vectron MS
Works number:22284
Identification number:91 80 6193 301-9 D-DB
Category:Main Electric Locomotives
Current condition: Out of order 
Note:Das ist GRÜN
Доступ — DE/ AT/ CH/ IT/ NL

17.02.2021 — отставлен от работы (хранение депо Нюрнберг)

November 21, 2017   
Arrived from manufacturer (on facility)

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Lists of rolling stock:

—  DB Cargo → Mainz → Siemens Vectron MS
—  DB Cargo → Mainz
—  DB Cargo → Siemens Vectron MS
—  Siemens Vectron MS