
Slovenske železnice d.o.o.SŽ-PP Maribor
SŽ – Slovenske železniceMaribor
 JŽ – Jugoslavenske željezniceMaribor

Railway District/Company:Slovenske železnice d.o.o.
Depot:SŽ-PP Maribor
Model:SŽ 813/814
Builder:TOZD Tirna vozila   Maribor
Identification number:95 79 8 813 034-1
Category:Diesel Suburban
Current condition: Written off 
95 79 8 813 034-1
95 79 8 814 034-0

Railway District/Company:Slovenske železnice d.o.o.
Depot:SŽ-PP Maribor
Identification number:95 79 8 813 034-1
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
September 2011
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Railway District/Company:SŽ – Slovenske železnice
Identification number:94 79 8 813 034-2
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Railway District/Company:SŽ – Slovenske železnice
Identification number:94 79 8 813 034-2
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
July 1992
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Railway District/Company:JŽ – Jugoslavenske željeznice
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Lists of rolling stock:

—  Slovenske železnice d.o.o. → SŽ-PP Maribor → SŽ 813/814
—  SŽ – Slovenske železnice → Maribor → SŽ 813/814
—  JŽ – Jugoslavenske željeznice → Maribor → SŽ 813/814
—  Slovenske železnice d.o.o. → SŽ-PP Maribor
—  SŽ – Slovenske železnice → Maribor
—  JŽ – Jugoslavenske željeznice → Maribor
—  Slovenske železnice d.o.o. → SŽ 813/814
—  SŽ – Slovenske železnice → SŽ 813/814
—  JŽ – Jugoslavenske željeznice → SŽ 813/814
—  SŽ 813/814