MR 4001

MR 4001
Poland, other companiesARRIVA RP Sp. z o.o.+ MRD 4201 · Nowa Wieś Wielka
 Danish State Railways (DSB)Padborg 

Railway District/Company:Poland, other companies
Depot:ARRIVA RP Sp. z o.o.
Model:MR (628)
Works number:83006
Identification number:95 51 2 810 021-6 PL-ARP
Category:Diesel Suburban
Current condition: In operation 
Note:+ MRD 4201 · Nowa Wieś Wielka
Построен: Waggonfabrik Uerdingen AG, Krefeld-Uerdingen, Deutschland
⋆ 14.03.1978 — поступил на DSB Dänische Staatsbahnen, Danmark в Padborg
__.__.1981 — дополнен MRD 4201 (построен: 1981 — Vognfabrikken Scandia, Randers, Danmark, завод.№: 29354)
14.08.2007 — отправлен в Польшу
⋆ 09.06.2008 — Arriva PCC Sp. z o.o.
с 25.06.2010 — Arriva RP Sp. z o.o. · Nowa Wieś Wielka
· 18.01.2019—__.07.2019 — (лизинг) SKPL Cargo Sp. z o.o., Zbiersk

95 51 2 810 021-6 PL-ARP – MR 4001
95 51 2 810 022-4 PL-ARP – MRD 4201

Railway District/Company:Poland, other companies
Depot:ARRIVA RP Sp. z o.o.
Identification number:95 51 2 810 021-6 PL-ARP
Note:+ MRD 4201 · Nowa Wieś Wielka
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Railway District/Company:Danish State Railways (DSB)
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March 1978   
Arrived from manufacturer (on facility)

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Lists of rolling stock:

—  Poland, other companies → ARRIVA RP Sp. z o.o. → MR (628)
—  Danish State Railways (DSB) → Padborg → MR (628)
—  Poland, other companies → ARRIVA RP Sp. z o.o.
—  Danish State Railways (DSB) → Padborg
—  Poland, other companies → MR (628)
—  Danish State Railways (DSB) → MR (628)
—  MR (628)