744 115-7

Railway District/Company:Italy, others
Depot:Ferrovia Adriatico-Sangritana (FAS)
Builder:CZ LOKO, a.s.   Česká Třebová
Serial type:Effishunter 1000
Works number:18-0956
Category:Shunting Diesel Locomotives
Current condition: New (was not in regular operation) 

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 744 116-5 , Italy, others
709 401-4, Czech Republiс, other

Чехия, Край Высочина, перегон Окржишки — Старжеч
Czech Republic, Vysočina region, Okržiški – Staržeč stretch
Česko, Kraj Vysočina, mezistaniční úsek Okříšky — Stařeč

Линия № 241 Окржишки — Зноймо · trať č. 241 Okříšky — Znojmo

Tuesday, July 14, 2020
Author: rasto

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Lists of rolling stock:

—  Italy, others → Ferrovia Adriatico-Sangritana (FAS) → 744
—  Italy, others → Ferrovia Adriatico-Sangritana (FAS)
—  Italy, others → 744
—  744