DES 3003

Railway District/Company:Irak Railways
Model:720 (T 435.0)
Builder:ČKD   Praha
Works number:5137
Category:Shunting Diesel Locomotives
Current condition: Current location and condition are unknown 

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Чехословакия, Северочешский край, станция Роуднице-над-Лабем
Czechoslovakia, North Bohemian region, Roudnice nad Labem station
Československo, Severočeský kraj, stanice Roudnice nad Labem

Фото из архива ČKD Praha

Received from rasto

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Lists of rolling stock:

—  Irak Railways → Прочее → 720 (T 435.0)
—  Irak Railways → Прочее
—  Irak Railways → 720 (T 435.0)
—  720 (T 435.0)