415 069

Railway District/Company:MÁV-START
Depot:Budapest-Nyugati / Istvántelek
Model:Stadler FLIRT (EMU)
Builder:Stadler Bussnang AG   Bussnang
Serial type:L-4276
Works number:L-427609
Category:Electric Suburban
Current condition: In operation 
94 55 1415 069-3 BVpmot
94 55 3415 069-9 Bpx
94 55 4415 069-7 BDbpx
94 55 2415 069-1 BVpmot

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Венгрия, Будапешт, станция Будапешт-Келети
Hungary, Budapest, Budapest-Keleti station
Magyarország, Budapest, Keleti pályaudvar

Saturday, August 17, 2024
Author: 01-06

December 2, 2014   
Arrived from manufacturer (on facility)

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Lists of rolling stock:

—  MÁV-START → Budapest-Nyugati / Istvántelek → Stadler FLIRT (EMU)
—  MÁV-START → Budapest-Nyugati / Istvántelek
—  MÁV-START → Stadler FLIRT (EMU)
—  Stadler FLIRT (EMU)