
Railway District/Company:Sverdlovsk Railway
Depot:Nadezhda metallurgical plant
Model:(Steam locomotives)
Works number:1109
Category:Engine Locomotives
Current condition: Current location and condition are unknown 
Построен заводом Karlsruhe для Богосолово-Сосьвинской ж. д. (колея 875 мм)
После 1917 г. работал на колее 883 мм

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СССР, РСФСР, Свердловская область, Надеждинский металлургический завод
USSR, Russian SFSR, Sverdlovsk region, Nadezhda iron and steel works

Муниципальное бюджетное учреждение культуры "Серовский исторический музей"

Received from Lasselan

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Lists of rolling stock:

—  Sverdlovsk Railway → Nadezhda metallurgical plant → (Steam locomotives)
—  Sverdlovsk Railway → Nadezhda metallurgical plant
—  Sverdlovsk Railway → (Steam locomotives)
—  (Steam locomotives)