
Railway District/Company:Belarusian Railway
Builder:JSC Muromteplovoz   Murom
Identification number:17520529
Category:Maintenance Vehicles
Current condition: In operation 
Ранее энергомонтажный поезд Жлобин

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 АРВ1-281 , Belarusian Railway
АДМ-550, Belarusian Railway

Беларусь, Гомельская область, станция Жлобин-Подольский
Belarus, Homiel region, Zhlobin-Padolski station
Беларусь, Гомельская вобласць, станцыя Жлобін-Падольскі

Монтажный поезд

Sunday, June 7, 2020
Author: Евгений Пашковский

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Lists of rolling stock:

—  Belarusian Railway → Beltransautomatics → RP
—  Belarusian Railway → Beltransautomatics
—  Belarusian Railway → RP
—  RP