Railway District/Company:Germany, private carriers
Depot:Industrie Transportgesellschaft Brandenburg mbH
Model:V 22
Serial type:V 22
Works number:262357
Identification number:98 80 3312 108-4 D-ITB
Category:Shunting Diesel Locomotives
Current condition: In operation 
ex Wl 8058013
Построен: 1972 — VEB Kombinat Luft- und Kältetechnik, Betrieb „Karl Marx“ Babelsberg для DR Deutsche Reichsbahn (Gleisbaumechanik Brandenburg, Brandenburg-Havel), обозначен 13
28.04.1972 — принят в эксплуатацию

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Lists of rolling stock:

—  Germany, private carriers → Industrie Transportgesellschaft Brandenburg mbH → V 22
—  Germany, private carriers → Industrie Transportgesellschaft Brandenburg mbH
—  Germany, private carriers → V 22
—  V 22