232 224-6

232 224-6
SBB CargoНеотсортированноеex 9674
232 224-6
 SBB Swiss Federal RailwaysOther 

Railway District/Company:SBB Cargo
Model:Tm IV (Tm 232)
Builder:Swiss Locomotive and Machine Works   Winterthur
Works number:5081
Identification number:98 85 5 232 224-6 CH-SBBC
Category:Shunting Diesel Locomotives
Current condition: In operation 
Note:ex 9674
ex Tm IV 9674
__.__.1976 — поступил на SBB · Schweizerische Bundesbahnen
с 01.01.1999 — Schweizerische Bundesbahnen SBB, Division Güterverkehr
с __.__.200_ — SBB Cargo AG, Basel
к 21.05.2010 — прошёл реконструкцию Schweizerische Bundesbahnen SBB, Industriewerk Biel, обозначен 232 224-6 (Tm 98 85 5 232 224-6 CH-SBBC)

№:232 224-6
Identification number:98 85 5 232 224-6 CH-SBBC
Note:ex 9674
May 2010
Note:232 224-6
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Railway District/Company:SBB Cargo
Note:232 224-6
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Railway District/Company:SBB Swiss Federal Railways
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Lists of rolling stock:

—  SBB Cargo → Неотсортированное → Tm IV (Tm 232)
—  SBB Swiss Federal Railways → Other → Tm IV (Tm 232)
—  SBB Cargo → Неотсортированное
—  SBB Swiss Federal Railways → Other
—  SBB Cargo → Tm IV (Tm 232)
—  SBB Swiss Federal Railways → Tm IV (Tm 232)
—  Tm IV (Tm 232)