40 0727

Railway District/Company:Romania, other companies
Depot:Unicom Tranzit S.A.
Model:CFR Class 40 (060-EA)
Identification number:91 53 0 400727-0
Category:Main Electric Locomotives
Current condition: In operation 

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Румыния, жудец Прахова, перегон Азуга — Журналы
Romania, Prahova county, Azuga — Magazines stretch

Monday, September 26, 2022
Author: Hagues98

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Lists of rolling stock:

—  Romania, other companies → Unicom Tranzit S.A. → CFR Class 40 (060-EA)
—  Romania, other companies → Unicom Tranzit S.A.
—  Romania, other companies → CFR Class 40 (060-EA)
—  CFR Class 40 (060-EA)