
Moscow RailwayKursk-Sortirovochny operational depot (TChE-29)
 Smolensk-Sortirovochny operational depot (TChE-42)

Railway District/Company:Moscow Railway
Depot:Kursk-Sortirovochny operational depot (TChE-29)
Builder:Коломенский тепловозостроительный завод   Kolomna
Works number:1116
Written off:05.1994
Category:Main Diesel Locomotives
Current condition: Written off 
С завода поступил в депо Смоленск. Позже передан в депо Курск

Группа конструкторов Коломенского тепловозостроительного завода около тепловоза ТЭП60-0223.

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May 1994   
Written off
665 KB

 ВЛ60К-1715 , South-Eastern Railway
 ТЭ3-1153 , South-Eastern Railway
 ТЭМ2-140 , South-Eastern Railway

СССР, РСФСР, Тамбовская область, депо Кочетовка
USSR, Russian SFSR, Tambov region, Kochetovka depot

Скан из книги "Железные дороги России. История и современность в фотодокументах" 1996 года издания

Monday, November 30, 1981 or earlier
Received from Дмитрий Закутный

Depot:Kursk-Sortirovochny operational depot (TChE-29)
Transferred to another depot
Transferred to another depot
Depot:Smolensk-Sortirovochny operational depot (TChE-42)
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Lists of rolling stock:

—  Moscow Railway → Kursk-Sortirovochny operational depot (TChE-29) → TEP60
—  Moscow Railway → Smolensk-Sortirovochny operational depot (TChE-42) → TEP60
—  Moscow Railway → Kursk-Sortirovochny operational depot (TChE-29)
—  Moscow Railway → Smolensk-Sortirovochny operational depot (TChE-42)
—  Moscow Railway → TEP60
—  TEP60