Railway District/Company:Moscow Railway
Depot:Ryazan state district power plant
Builder:Tikhoretsk mashinery plant V. V. Vorovsky   Tikhoretsk
Current condition: In operation 

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Россия, Рязанская область, АО "Новомичуринское ППЖТ", станция Новомичуринск
Russia, Ryazan region, Novomichurinsk industrial enterprise of railway transport JSC, Novomichurinsk station

Sunday, June 12, 2011
Author: dymon.z

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Entries with the same name:

Model Depot Note
АГМу AGMu Oryol IERT Снегоочиститель
АГМУ AGMu Elemash Пневмоочистительная машина
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Lists of rolling stock:

—  Moscow Railway → Ryazan state district power plant → AGMu
—  Moscow Railway → Ryazan state district power plant
—  Moscow Railway → AGMu
—  AGMu