346 739-6
Railway District/Company: | DB Cargo |
Depot: | Rostock Seehafen |
Model: | V60 (LEW) |
Builder: | VEB Lokomotivbau-Elektrotechnische Werke "Hans Beimler" (LEW) Hennigsdorf |
Serial type: | V 60 D |
Works number: | 13000 |
Built: | 05.1971 |
Written off: | 08.2001 |
Category: | Shunting Diesel Locomotives |
Current condition: | Written off |
ex (до 1992) 106 739-6
Построен: 05.1971 — VEB Lokomotivbau Elektrotechnische Werke „Hans Beimler“ Hennigsdorf (LEW) для DR · Deutsche Reichsbahn
28.05.1971 — принят в эксплуатацию
0_.06.1971 — поступил в депо Stralsund
с 01.01.1994 — у DB AG · Deutsche Bahn AG, GB Traktion
с 01.01.1998 — DB AG · Deutsche Bahn AG, GB Ladungsverkehr
с 01.07.1999 — DB Cargo AG
· 01.06.2000 — отставлен
† 16.08.2001 — снят с баланса Bh Rostock-Seehafen
__.03.2002 — утилизирован SMR · Sächsische Metallhandel und Recycling GmbH, Espenhain |
№: | 346 739-6 |
Railway District/Company: | DB Cargo |
Depot: | Rostock Seehafen |
Model: | V60 (LEW) |
Builder: | VEB Lokomotivbau-Elektrotechnische Werke "Hans Beimler" (LEW) Hennigsdorf |
Serial type: | V 60 D |
Works number: | 13000 |
Built: | 05.1971 |
Category: | Shunting Diesel Locomotives |
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant) 1999 | ↑Passed to an other railway (or to a plant) |
№: | 346 739-6 |
Railway District/Company: | DBAG — German Federal Railroad (1994) |
Depot: | Rostock |
Model: | V60 (LEW) |
Builder: | VEB Lokomotivbau-Elektrotechnische Werke "Hans Beimler" (LEW) Hennigsdorf |
Serial type: | V 60 D |
Works number: | 13000 |
Built: | 05.1971 |
Category: | Shunting Diesel Locomotives |
| Show full dataShow only changes |
№: | 346 739-6 |
Railway District/Company: | DBAG — German Federal Railroad (1994) |
Depot: | Rostock |
Model: | V60 (LEW) |
Builder: | VEB Lokomotivbau-Elektrotechnische Werke "Hans Beimler" (LEW) Hennigsdorf |
Serial type: | V 60 D |
Works number: | 13000 |
Built: | 05.1971 |
Category: | Shunting Diesel Locomotives |
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant) 1994 | ↑Passed to an other railway (or to a plant) |
№: | 346 739-6 |
Railway District/Company: | DR — Deutsche Reichsbahn (DDR) |
Depot: | Rostock |
Model: | V60 (LEW) |
Builder: | VEB Lokomotivbau-Elektrotechnische Werke "Hans Beimler" (LEW) Hennigsdorf |
Serial type: | V 60 D |
Works number: | 13000 |
Built: | 05.1971 |
Category: | Shunting Diesel Locomotives |
| Show full dataShow only changes |
Lists of rolling stock:
— DB Cargo → Rostock Seehafen → V60 (LEW)
— DBAG — German Federal Railroad (1994) → Rostock → V60 (LEW)
— DR — Deutsche Reichsbahn (DDR) → Rostock → V60 (LEW)
— DB Cargo → Rostock Seehafen
— DBAG — German Federal Railroad (1994) → Rostock
— DR — Deutsche Reichsbahn (DDR) → Rostock
— DB Cargo → V60 (LEW)
— DBAG — German Federal Railroad (1994) → V60 (LEW)
— DR — Deutsche Reichsbahn (DDR) → V60 (LEW)
— V60 (LEW)