Railway District/Company:BLS Cargo AG
Model:475 (Vectron)
Builder:Siemens   Krefeld
Works number:22040
Identification number:91 85 4475 401-6 CH-BLSC
Category:Main Electric Locomotives
Current condition: In operation 
27.04.2016 — вместе с 402 c завода отправлен к BLS Cargo в Spiez
23.09.2016 — введён в эксплуатацию (NVR-номер: 91 85 4475 401-6 CH-BLSC)

April 2016   
Arrived from manufacturer (on facility)

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Lists of rolling stock:

—  BLS Cargo AG → Speiz → 475 (Vectron)
—  BLS Cargo AG → Speiz
—  BLS Cargo AG → 475 (Vectron)
—  475 (Vectron)