
early 1960s
October RailwayTCh-9 Sankt-Peterburg-Sortirovochniy-Vitebskiy
mid 1950s
TChE-18 Dno
TCh Mga
Kuybyshev RailwayOther
Lithuanian RailwayOther
≈ 1943
Moscow RailwayTula (TCh-22, Novomoslovsk operational depot (TChE-36) branch)
late 1930s
Kuybyshev RailwayTCh Pokhvistnevo
≈ 1926
TCHE-10 Samara (TCH-10 Kuibyshev)
 THC-18 Djoma (TChr-18 Djoma) (closed)

Railway District/Company:October Railway
Depot:TCh-9 Sankt-Peterburg-Sortirovochniy-Vitebskiy
Builder:Friedrich Krupp AG   Essen
Works number:340
Written off:1967
Category:Engine Locomotives
Current condition: Written off 
С постройки Самаро-Златоустовская ж. д.
В 1926(?) г. из депо Уфа передан в депо Самара
В конце 30-х гг. передан в депо Похвистнево
В период ВОВ в составе ОРКП-9
В 1943(?) г. передан в депо Тула
В 1945 г. с Литовской ж. д. передан на Куйбышевскую ж. д.
В 1947 г. передан на Октябрьскую ж. д.
В середине 50-х гг. из депо Мга передан в депо Дно
В начале 60-х гг. передан в депо Ленинград-Сортировочный-Витебский
Котел использовался в депо Малая Вишера до начала 90-х гг.

Паровоз серии Эг.5350 машиниста т. Постольного из депо Мга совершил без капитального ремонта пробег 1450 тыс. км. (при норме 1952 г. — 430 тыс. км.)

Written off
Depot:TCh-9 Sankt-Peterburg-Sortirovochniy-Vitebskiy
Transferred to another depot
early 1960s
Transferred to another depot
Depot:TChE-18 Dno
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Depot:TChE-18 Dno
Transferred to another depot
mid 1950s
Transferred to another depot
Depot:TCh Mga
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Railway District/Company:October Railway
Depot:TCh Mga
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Railway District/Company:Kuybyshev Railway
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Railway District/Company:Kuybyshev Railway
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Railway District/Company:Lithuanian Railway
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Railway District/Company:Lithuanian Railway
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Railway District/Company:Moscow Railway
Depot:Tula (TCh-22, Novomoslovsk operational depot (TChE-36) branch)
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Railway District/Company:Moscow Railway
Depot:Tula (TCh-22, Novomoslovsk operational depot (TChE-36) branch)
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
1943 (approximately)
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Railway District/Company:Kuybyshev Railway
Depot:TCh Pokhvistnevo
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Depot:TCh Pokhvistnevo
Transferred to another depot
late 1930s
Transferred to another depot
Depot:TCHE-10 Samara (TCH-10 Kuibyshev)
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Depot:TCHE-10 Samara (TCH-10 Kuibyshev)
Transferred to another depot
1926 (approximately)
Transferred to another depot
Depot:THC-18 Djoma (TChr-18 Djoma) (closed)
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Lists of rolling stock:

—  October Railway → TCh-9 Sankt-Peterburg-Sortirovochniy-Vitebskiy → E
—  October Railway → TChE-18 Dno → E
—  October Railway → TCh Mga → E
—  Kuybyshev Railway → Other → E
—  Lithuanian Railway → Other → E
—  Moscow Railway → Tula (TCh-22, Novomoslovsk operational depot (TChE-36) branch) → E
—  Kuybyshev Railway → TCh Pokhvistnevo → E
—  Kuybyshev Railway → TCHE-10 Samara (TCH-10 Kuibyshev) → E
—  Kuybyshev Railway → THC-18 Djoma (TChr-18 Djoma) (closed) → E
—  October Railway → TCh-9 Sankt-Peterburg-Sortirovochniy-Vitebskiy
—  October Railway → TChE-18 Dno
—  October Railway → TCh Mga
—  Kuybyshev Railway → Other
—  Lithuanian Railway → Other
—  Moscow Railway → Tula (TCh-22, Novomoslovsk operational depot (TChE-36) branch)
—  Kuybyshev Railway → TCh Pokhvistnevo
—  Kuybyshev Railway → TCHE-10 Samara (TCH-10 Kuibyshev)
—  Kuybyshev Railway → THC-18 Djoma (TChr-18 Djoma) (closed)
—  October Railway → E
—  Kuybyshev Railway → E
—  Lithuanian Railway → E
—  Moscow Railway → E
—  E