
East Siberian RailwayUlan-Ude operational depot (TChE-7)
Nizhneudinsk operational depot (TChE-2)
 Moscow RailwayRyazan operational depot (TChE-39)

Railway District/Company:East Siberian Railway
Depot:Ulan-Ude operational depot (TChE-7)
Builder:Kolomensky steam loco plant   Коломна
Works number:10175
Written off:12.11.1984
Category:Engine Locomotives
Current condition: Written off 
04.1954 — депо Рязань-1
06.1957 — депо Нижнеудинск
02.1961 — депо Улан-Удэ
в 1984 — котёл передан на кирпичный завод ст.Зима

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November 12, 1984   
Written off
Depot:Ulan-Ude operational depot (TChE-7)
Transferred to another depot
February 1961
Transferred to another depot
Depot:Nizhneudinsk operational depot (TChE-2)
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Railway District/Company:East Siberian Railway
Depot:Nizhneudinsk operational depot (TChE-2)
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
June 1957
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Railway District/Company:Moscow Railway
Depot:Ryazan operational depot (TChE-39)
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April 1954   
Arrived from manufacturer (on facility)
293 KB

СССР, РСФСР, Московская область, Коломенский паровозостроительный завод
USSR, Russian SFSR, Moscow region, Kolomna steam locomotive works

Фото из архива ПКБ ЦТ

Received from Дмитрий Закутный

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Lists of rolling stock:

—  East Siberian Railway → Ulan-Ude operational depot (TChE-7) → P36
—  East Siberian Railway → Nizhneudinsk operational depot (TChE-2) → P36
—  Moscow Railway → Ryazan operational depot (TChE-39) → P36
—  East Siberian Railway → Ulan-Ude operational depot (TChE-7)
—  East Siberian Railway → Nizhneudinsk operational depot (TChE-2)
—  Moscow Railway → Ryazan operational depot (TChE-39)
—  East Siberian Railway → P36
—  Moscow Railway → P36
—  P36