
Railway District/Company:Private carriers
Depot:Fenniarail Oy
Model:774.7 (CZ LOKO)
Builder:CZ LOKO, a.s.   Česká Třebová
Serial type:774.7F
Identification number:92 10 2102 104-0 FIN-FERFI
Category:Shunting Diesel Locomotives
Current condition: In operation 
Note:774 714-0

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Финляндия, Южная Карелия, станция Иматра
Finland, South Karelia, Imatra station

Friday, July 24, 2020
Author: Bremze

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Lists of rolling stock:

—  Private carriers → Fenniarail Oy → 774.7 (CZ LOKO)
—  Private carriers → Fenniarail Oy
—  Private carriers → 774.7 (CZ LOKO)
—  774.7 (CZ LOKO)