40 0733

40 0733
Bulgaria, other companiesBulgarian Railway Company
 Romania, other companiesGrup Feroviar Român (GFR)

Railway District/Company:Bulgaria, other companies
Depot:Bulgarian Railway Company
Model:CFR Class 40 (060-EA)
Builder:Electroputere S.A.   Craiova
Works number:838
Identification number:91 53 0 400733-2
Category:Main Electric Locomotives
Current condition: In operation 
40 0733-2

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441 KB

 40 0534 , Bulgaria, other companies

Болгария, область Бургас, перегон Айтос — Былгарово
Bulgaria, Burgas region, Aytos — Balgarovo stretch
България, област Бургас, междугарието Айтос — Българово

Saturday, August 12, 2017
Author: Роман Черинов

Railway District/Company:Bulgaria, other companies
Depot:Bulgarian Railway Company
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Railway District/Company:Romania, other companies
Depot:Grup Feroviar Român (GFR)
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Arrived from manufacturer (on facility)

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Lists of rolling stock:

—  Bulgaria, other companies → Bulgarian Railway Company → CFR Class 40 (060-EA)
—  Romania, other companies → Grup Feroviar Român (GFR) → CFR Class 40 (060-EA)
—  Bulgaria, other companies → Bulgarian Railway Company
—  Romania, other companies → Grup Feroviar Român (GFR)
—  Bulgaria, other companies → CFR Class 40 (060-EA)
—  Romania, other companies → CFR Class 40 (060-EA)
—  CFR Class 40 (060-EA)