
October RailwayTCh-11 Vyborg
TChE-12 Sankt-Peterburg-Finlyandskiy
TCH-25 Medvezhya Gora
TChE-31 Velikie Luki
Thc-33 Torzhok
Moscow RailwayPodmoskovnaya depot (TCh-16, Imeni Ilyicha operational depot (TChE-18) branch)
October RailwayTChE-32 Rzhev
 Moscow RailwayKursk-Sortirovochny operational depot (TChE-29)

Railway District/Company:October Railway
Depot:TCh-11 Vyborg
Builder:Kolomensky steam loco plant   Коломна
Serial type:153
Works number:6392
Written off:1968
Category:Engine Locomotives
Current condition: Written off 
С постройки ТЧ Курск Московско-Курской ж. д.
На 1938 г. ТЧ Ржев, в 1941 г. эвакуирован в ТЧ Усяты.
В 1942 г. возвращён на Калининскую ж. д. в ТЧ Подмосковная и в этом же году передан в ТЧ Торжок.
Далее до середины 1952 г. работал в ТЧ Великие Луки и был передан в ТЧ Вологда.
Далее работал в ТЧ Рыбинск, Медвежья Гора, Ленинград-Финляндский.
Списан в ТЧ Выборг в 1968 г.

Written off
Depot:TCh-11 Vyborg
Transferred to another depot
Transferred to another depot
Depot:TChE-12 Sankt-Peterburg-Finlyandskiy
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Depot:TChE-12 Sankt-Peterburg-Finlyandskiy
Transferred to another depot
Transferred to another depot
Depot:TCH-25 Medvezhya Gora
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Depot:TCH-25 Medvezhya Gora
Transferred to another depot
Transferred to another depot
Depot:TChE-31 Velikie Luki
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Depot:TChE-31 Velikie Luki
Transferred to another depot
Transferred to another depot
Depot:Thc-33 Torzhok
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Railway District/Company:October Railway
Depot:Thc-33 Torzhok
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Railway District/Company:Moscow Railway
Depot:Podmoskovnaya depot (TCh-16, Imeni Ilyicha operational depot (TChE-18) branch)
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Railway District/Company:Moscow Railway
Depot:Podmoskovnaya depot (TCh-16, Imeni Ilyicha operational depot (TChE-18) branch)
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Railway District/Company:October Railway
Depot:TChE-32 Rzhev
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Railway District/Company:October Railway
Depot:TChE-32 Rzhev
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Railway District/Company:Moscow Railway
Depot:Kursk-Sortirovochny operational depot (TChE-29)
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Lists of rolling stock:

—  October Railway → TCh-11 Vyborg → Su
—  October Railway → TChE-12 Sankt-Peterburg-Finlyandskiy → Su
—  October Railway → TCH-25 Medvezhya Gora → Su
—  October Railway → TChE-31 Velikie Luki → Su
—  October Railway → Thc-33 Torzhok → Su
—  Moscow Railway → Podmoskovnaya depot (TCh-16, Imeni Ilyicha operational depot (TChE-18) branch) → Su
—  October Railway → TChE-32 Rzhev → Su
—  Moscow Railway → Kursk-Sortirovochny operational depot (TChE-29) → Su
—  October Railway → TCh-11 Vyborg
—  October Railway → TChE-12 Sankt-Peterburg-Finlyandskiy
—  October Railway → TCH-25 Medvezhya Gora
—  October Railway → TChE-31 Velikie Luki
—  October Railway → Thc-33 Torzhok
—  Moscow Railway → Podmoskovnaya depot (TCh-16, Imeni Ilyicha operational depot (TChE-18) branch)
—  October Railway → TChE-32 Rzhev
—  Moscow Railway → Kursk-Sortirovochny operational depot (TChE-29)
—  October Railway → Su
—  Moscow Railway → Su
—  Su