
late 1930s
Gorky RailwayKanash depot (TCh-12) [closed]
early 1930s
Agryz operational depot (TChE-15)
 October RailwayTChE-14 Sankt-Peterburg-Varshavskiy

Railway District/Company:Gorky Railway
Depot:Kanash depot (TCh-12) [closed]
Builder:Nevsky plant   St. Petersburg
Works number:1937
Category:Engine Locomotives
Current condition: Current location and condition are unknown 
С завода поступил на Северо-Западные ж. д.
На 02.1913 г. — 3 участок тяги
На 03.1925 г. ТЧ-2 Псков Северо-Западных ж. д. (котёл рег. 2756)
07.1925 г. передан в ТЧ-5 Витебск Северо-Западных ж. д.
В начале 30-х гг. приписан к ТЧ Ленинград-Варшавский.
На 1935 г. депо Агрыз
На 01.1940 — 01.1941 г. депо Канаш (тендер С.15)

07.1925 — КР Ленинградские мастерские Северо-Западных ж. д. (тендер С.48)

Depot:Kanash depot (TCh-12) [closed]
Transferred to another depot
late 1930s
Transferred to another depot
Depot:Agryz operational depot (TChE-15)
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Railway District/Company:Gorky Railway
Depot:Agryz operational depot (TChE-15)
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
early 1930s
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Railway District/Company:October Railway
Depot:TChE-14 Sankt-Peterburg-Varshavskiy
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Lists of rolling stock:

—  Gorky Railway → Kanash depot (TCh-12) [closed] → S
—  Gorky Railway → Agryz operational depot (TChE-15) → S
—  October Railway → TChE-14 Sankt-Peterburg-Varshavskiy → S
—  Gorky Railway → Kanash depot (TCh-12) [closed]
—  Gorky Railway → Agryz operational depot (TChE-15)
—  October Railway → TChE-14 Sankt-Peterburg-Varshavskiy
—  Gorky Railway → S
—  October Railway → S
—  S