T43 112

Railway District/Company:Sweden, other companies
Depot:Tågakeriet i Bergslagen (TÅGAB)
Category:Shunting Diesel Locomotives
Current condition: In operation 
Note:T43 234

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Z70 730, Sweden, other companies
009, Sweden, other companies
1045, Sweden, other companies

Швеция, Вермланд, станция Кристинехамн
Sweden, Värmland, Kristinehamn station
Sverige, Värmland, Kristinehamn järnvägsstation

Sunday, August 7, 2016
Author: Denis Solovev

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Lists of rolling stock:

—  Sweden, other companies → Tågakeriet i Bergslagen (TÅGAB) → T43
—  Sweden, other companies → Tågakeriet i Bergslagen (TÅGAB)
—  Sweden, other companies → T43
—  T43