Railway District/Company: | October Railway |
Depot: | TChE-4 Bologovskoe |
Model: | TEM3 |
Builder: | Bryansk mashinery plant Bryansk |
Identification number: | 15230097 |
Built: | 1981 |
Written off: | 03.2015 |
Category: | Shunting Diesel Locomotives |
Current condition: | Written off |
С завода поступил в депо Ховрино Октябрьской ж. д.
Позднее передан в депо Тверь
В __.2005 г. передан в депо Дно
В 01.2013 г. передан в депо Бологовское |
Secondary photos (1): hide / show
Россия, Псковская область, перегон Брянчаниново — Ритупе Russia, Pskov region, Bryanchaninovo — Ritupe stretch
Wednesday, September 18, 2013 Author: Виталий
Россия, Псковская область, станция Пыталово Russia, Pskov region, Pytalovo station
Wednesday, May 1, 2013 Author: Виталий
№: | ТЭМ3-009 |
Railway District/Company: | October Railway |
Depot: | TChE-4 Bologovskoe |
Model: | TEM3 |
Builder: | Bryansk mashinery plant Bryansk |
Identification number: | 15230097 |
Built: | 1981 |
Category: | Shunting Diesel Locomotives |
Transferred to another depot January 2013 | ↑Transferred to another depot |
№: | ТЭМ3-009 |
Railway District/Company: | October Railway |
Depot: | TChE-18 Dno |
Model: | TEM3 |
Builder: | Bryansk mashinery plant Bryansk |
Identification number: | 15230097 |
Built: | 1981 |
Category: | Shunting Diesel Locomotives |
| Show full dataShow only changes |
Россия, Псковская область, станция Новосокольники Russia, Pskov region, Novosokolniki station
Tuesday, November 4, 2008 Author: Muller
Россия, Псковская область, депо Дно Russia, Pskov region, Dno depot
Monday, May 8, 2006 Author: SHOMAS4416
№: | ТЭМ3-009 |
Railway District/Company: | October Railway |
Depot: | TChE-18 Dno |
Model: | TEM3 |
Builder: | Bryansk mashinery plant Bryansk |
Identification number: | 15230097 |
Built: | 1981 |
Category: | Shunting Diesel Locomotives |
Transferred to another depot 2005 (approximately) | ↑Transferred to another depot |
№: | ТЭМ3-009 |
Railway District/Company: | October Railway |
Depot: | Tch-3 Tver |
Model: | TEM3 |
Builder: | Bryansk mashinery plant Bryansk |
Identification number: | 15230097 |
Built: | 1981 |
Category: | Shunting Diesel Locomotives |
| Show full dataShow only changes |
Россия, Москва, депо Крюково Russia, Moscow, Kryukovo depot
Автор фото — Игорь Мандрикин
Tuesday, November 30, 1999 Received from Дмитрий Закутный
№: | ТЭМ3-009 |
Railway District/Company: | October Railway |
Depot: | Tch-3 Tver |
Model: | TEM3 |
Builder: | Bryansk mashinery plant Bryansk |
Identification number: | 15230097 |
Built: | 1981 |
Category: | Shunting Diesel Locomotives |
Transferred to another depot ???? | ↑Transferred to another depot |
№: | ТЭМ3-009 |
Railway District/Company: | October Railway |
Depot: | TCh-2 Hovrino |
Model: | TEM3 |
Builder: | Bryansk mashinery plant Bryansk |
Identification number: | 15230097 |
Built: | 1981 |
Category: | Shunting Diesel Locomotives |
| Show full dataShow only changes |
Россия, Москва, депо Москва-Октябрьская Russia, Moscow, Moskva-Oktyabrskaya depot
Sunday, November 30, 1997 Author: Белкин Андрей
СССР, РСФСР, Москва, депо Ховрино USSR, Russian SFSR, Moscow, Khovrino depot
Фото Леонида Пивко
Saturday, November 30, 1985 Received from valerijshitov
СССР, РСФСР, Москва, станция Ховрино USSR, Russian SFSR, Moscow, Khovrino station
October 1983 Author: Павел Чилин (колл.)
Lists of rolling stock:
— October Railway → TChE-4 Bologovskoe → TEM3
— October Railway → TChE-18 Dno → TEM3
— October Railway → Tch-3 Tver → TEM3
— October Railway → TCh-2 Hovrino → TEM3
— October Railway → TChE-4 Bologovskoe
— October Railway → TChE-18 Dno
— October Railway → Tch-3 Tver
— October Railway → TCh-2 Hovrino
— October Railway → TEM3
— TEM3