
≤ 2022
South Urals RailwaysPChM Chelyabinsk
 UPM Kuvandyk

Railway District/Company:South Urals Railways
Depot:PChM Chelyabinsk
Model:PMG, PMG1M
Builder:JSC Tikhoretsk mashinery plant V. V. Vorovsky   Tikhoretsk
Identification number:19783828
Category:Maintenance Vehicles
Current condition: In operation 

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Россия, Челябинская область, опытный завод путевых машин Им. Балашенко
Russia, Chelyabinsk region, pilot works of the track machines named after Balashenko

Friday, July 21, 2023
Author: CrazyWad

Depot:PChM Chelyabinsk
Transferred to another depot
2022 or earlier
Transferred to another depot
Depot:UPM Kuvandyk
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Lists of rolling stock:

—  South Urals Railways → PChM Chelyabinsk → PMG, PMG1M
—  South Urals Railways → UPM Kuvandyk → PMG, PMG1M
—  South Urals Railways → PChM Chelyabinsk
—  South Urals Railways → UPM Kuvandyk
—  South Urals Railways → PMG, PMG1M