Railway District/Company: | October Railway |
Depot: | TChE-21 Volhovstroi |
Model: | TEM2, TEM2A |
Builder: | Voroshilovgrad Octoberrevolution Locomotive works Woroshilovgrad |
Identification number: | 15327067 |
Built: | 20.09.1973 |
Arrived: | 17.10.1973 |
Written off: | 09.2023 |
Category: | Shunting Diesel Locomotives |
Current condition: | Written off |
C постройки поступил в депо Великие Луки Октябрьской ж. д.
31.01.1986 г. — принят в парк депо Бабаево
Позже передан в депо Хвойная
11.2008 — передан в депо Волховстрой
07.2007 г. СР
05.2011 г. ТР-3 ТЧР Петрозаводск, срок службы продлен
11.2016 г. СР Астраханский ТРЗ |
Secondary photos (2): hide / show
September 2023 Written off
Россия, Ленинградская область, станция Тихвин Russia, Leningrad region, Tikhvin station
Sunday, July 25, 2021 Author: Санёк93
Россия, Ленинградская область, станция Лодейное Поле Russia, Leningrad region, Lodeynoe Pole station
Sunday, February 7, 2021 Author: Начальник депо
Россия, Новгородская область, станция Валдай Russia, Novgorod region, Valday station
Sunday, May 26, 2019 Author: Ivan00
Россия, Ленинградская область, депо Волховстрой Russia, Leningrad region, Volkhovstroy depot
Saturday, July 6, 2013 Author: Зауралец
№: | ТЭМ2-2706 |
Railway District/Company: | October Railway |
Depot: | TChE-21 Volhovstroi |
Model: | TEM2, TEM2A |
Builder: | Voroshilovgrad Octoberrevolution Locomotive works Woroshilovgrad |
Identification number: | 15327067 |
Built: | 20.09.1973 |
Category: | Shunting Diesel Locomotives |
Transferred to another depot November 2008 | ↑Transferred to another depot |
№: | ТЭМ2-2706 |
Railway District/Company: | October Railway |
Depot: | Thc-23 Hvoinaya |
Model: | TEM2, TEM2A |
Builder: | Voroshilovgrad Octoberrevolution Locomotive works Woroshilovgrad |
Identification number: | 15327067 |
Built: | 20.09.1973 |
Category: | Shunting Diesel Locomotives |
| Show full dataShow only changes |
Россия, Новгородская область, станция Хвойная Russia, Novgorod region, Khvoynaya station
Sunday, May 1, 2005 Author: Воздух Свободы
№: | ТЭМ2-2706 |
Railway District/Company: | October Railway |
Depot: | Thc-23 Hvoinaya |
Model: | TEM2, TEM2A |
Builder: | Voroshilovgrad Octoberrevolution Locomotive works Woroshilovgrad |
Identification number: | 15327067 |
Built: | 20.09.1973 |
Category: | Shunting Diesel Locomotives |
Transferred to another depot ???? | ↑Transferred to another depot |
№: | ТЭМ2-2706 |
Railway District/Company: | October Railway |
Depot: | Thc-22 Babaevo |
Model: | TEM2, TEM2A |
Builder: | Voroshilovgrad Octoberrevolution Locomotive works Woroshilovgrad |
Identification number: | 15327067 |
Built: | 20.09.1973 |
Category: | Shunting Diesel Locomotives |
| Show full dataShow only changes |
№: | ТЭМ2-2706 |
Railway District/Company: | October Railway |
Depot: | Thc-22 Babaevo |
Model: | TEM2, TEM2A |
Builder: | Voroshilovgrad Octoberrevolution Locomotive works Woroshilovgrad |
Identification number: | 15327067 |
Built: | 20.09.1973 |
Category: | Shunting Diesel Locomotives |
Transferred to another depot January 1986 | ↑Transferred to another depot |
№: | ТЭМ2-2706 |
Railway District/Company: | October Railway |
Depot: | TChE-31 Velikie Luki |
Model: | TEM2, TEM2A |
Builder: | Voroshilovgrad Octoberrevolution Locomotive works Woroshilovgrad |
Identification number: | 15327067 |
Built: | 20.09.1973 |
Category: | Shunting Diesel Locomotives |
| Show full dataShow only changes |
October 17, 1973 Arrived from manufacturer (on facility)
Lists of rolling stock:
— October Railway → TChE-21 Volhovstroi → TEM2, TEM2A
— October Railway → Thc-23 Hvoinaya → TEM2, TEM2A
— October Railway → Thc-22 Babaevo → TEM2, TEM2A
— October Railway → TChE-31 Velikie Luki → TEM2, TEM2A
— October Railway → TChE-21 Volhovstroi
— October Railway → Thc-23 Hvoinaya
— October Railway → Thc-22 Babaevo
— October Railway → TChE-31 Velikie Luki
— October Railway → TEM2, TEM2A