Lok 1

Railway District/Company:Germany, Other
Depot:DB Museum
Model:(Steam locomotives)
Serial type:FLC 14949
Works number:03-163
Identification number:Lok 1
Category:Engine Locomotives
Current condition: Monument/Museum exhibit/Trainer 
Note:Interessengemeinschaft Dampflok Nossen e. V.
Бестопочный паровоз FLC тип Meiningen.
С построийки поступил на Фрайбергский Целлюлозно-Бумажный Комбинат в Вайсенборне (Freiberger Zellstoff- und Papierfabrik zu Weißenborn).
С 2000 г. в музейном депо Носсен (Interessengemeinschaft Dampflok Nossen e. V.)

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Lists of rolling stock:

—  Germany, Other → DB Museum → (Steam locomotives)
—  Germany, Other → DB Museum
—  Germany, Other → (Steam locomotives)
—  (Steam locomotives)